The Engagement Ring Bling
By Donna Monday, Sat Dec 10th
How much should you spend on a diamond engagement ring?
How about a whopping $1 million?
That’s what Donald Trump just spent on an engagement ring
forhis lovely new wife, Melania Knauss. Can you imagine what itmust be like to wear any ring worth that much on a daily basis?
The Donald must hire beefy security guards with names likeWolfgang and Spike just to watch over Melania every time her andher delicate ring finger step out the door.
Buying expensive diamond jewelry for their significant othersseem to be a Trump family trait. Well, you’ve gotta do somethingwith all that money besides invest in real estate deals.
Trump’s son, Donald Jr. has just proposed to his fiancée,Vanessa Haydon, with a very impressive