Choosing A Diamond Engangement Ring That She Can't Say No To! By Peter Crump, Fri Dec 9th
So you’ve decided to propose – congratulations! This is a momentthat most women have been dreaming about since they were littlegirls, so you will want to make it as special as possible forher. And because she is the most adorable woman in the world,you will want to give to her a diamond engangement ring that isas beautiful and unique as she is, so here are some tips to helpyou choose the ring that is perfect for her. At a time when you would gladly give your fiancée-to-be the verymoon and stars, your choice of ring might unfortunately belimited by a budget. While wedding etiquette books recommendspending about two month’s salary on a diamond engangement ring,remember that this is only a guideline. Love and romance cannotbe easily translated into monetary figures, and so an expensivering does not necessarily convey a greater love. Real romance isabout matching the gift to the personality of the recipient, andshowing that you have a real understanding of her personality,so purchasing a diamond engangement ring that you know she willlove isn’t as important as the price tag attached. There are amultitude of great jewellers around – perform a thorough searchfor the ring that matches her, and who knows, you might justfind a diamond ring at a great wholesale price. Most men, regardless of how well they know their girlfriends,have a distinct lack of understanding when it comes to jewelry!To gain
an insight into the type of diamond engangement ring shemight like, take a sneaky look at her favorite jewelry. Does shewear gold, or are her rings and other items made from white goldor silver? Does she like large pieces, or more subtle styles?They say that you can never buy a diamond that is too big, butmany women prefer understated jewelry. If a good look through her jewelry case leaves you as cluelessas before, then enlist the help of one of her girlfriends or asister. Women tend to have a good idea of a close friend’s senseof style, so your new shopping partner should have some goodinsight on what your girlfriend would like in her diamondengagement ring. But remember – it really is the thought that counts. Your newfiancée simply wants to marry you and she will love her diamondengagement ring because it came from you. And if not – well youcan always exchange it!