Alternatives To Diamond Rings - What Choices Do You Have? By Peter Crump, Fri Dec 9th
There is little doubt that planning a wedding can be one of themost expensive times in your life, and the various costs canseem particularly draining as you struggle to find the funds toallow you set up home and begin your new life together. So formany couples, jewelry is not a priority at this time, but aseven frugal lovers want to celebrate their love by purchasing anengagement ring, many couples are wondering whether there areany good alternatives to diamond rings available. Thankfully,the answer is yes, and you won’t have to compromise on qualityto find a beautiful alternative to a diamond ring. There is no law that says that an engagement ring
must include adiamond, this is simply a tradition, and throughout the agestraditions have been constantly enhanced or modified to renderfamiliar things more personal. These days, many brides-to-be areselecting other stones as alternatives to diamond rings,choosing perhaps their birthstone, or a gem that is available ina color they love. There are many alternatives to diamond ringsavailable, and many of these at prices a fraction of the cost ofa diamond. But to many women, an engagement ring
is not the same withoutthat many faceted, brilliant white stone nestled at its centre.But for those who want the fire of diamonds without the pricetag, there are
real alternatives to diamond rings, the latestand most impressive of which is moissanite. This gem can begrown artificially, which reduces the cost to the consumer,while retaining – and some experts would even argue that itimproves upon – the brilliance of the diamond. But if you are proposing to your sweetheart, be sure to let herknow the gem that you have chosen for her. While moissanite isundoubtedly a beautiful stone, the ring your offer yourbride-to-be is symbolic of your future together, and honestly isan enormously important part of this. So let her know that youhave chosen for her an alternative to a diamond ring, so thatshe can appreciate her moissanite stone it all its beauty.
Alternatives to diamond rings can be found, at a much reducedcost
and looking just as good