Mens Diamond Rings - The Ultimate Wedding Ring For The Modern
By Peter Leigh, Fri Dec 9th
Mens diamond rings are becoming more and more popular with themodern man. As more men celebrate their marriage by the wearingof a wedding ring, mens diamond rings are fast becoming the newmens fashion.
The wearing of a wedding ring by a man is a reasonably newphenomenon. It is only really since the second world war thatthe wearing of a wedding ring by a man became common. However itis taking off now, as are diamond mens rings .
And there are different considerations for a man’s weddingjewelry than for a woman.
A man doesn’t usually wear an engagement ring. A woman does. Fora woman it is her engagement ring which is the feature on herfinger. It is usually the engagement ring that is admired, nother wedding ring. And for this reason the woman will usuallylove a stunning diamond solitaire ring for her engagement ring,because a diamond solitaire is a ring to be admired!
And the setting of the diamond solitaire is there really just tohold the diamond. The setting is not the feature, the diamondis. The setting is just there to show off the diamond to bestadvantage.
So for a woman the choice of wedding ring needs to accommodatethe fact that it should not overpower her engagement ring.Whilst there are some magnificent diamond wedding rings forwomen, they should always be more understated. Small diamonds,and with more of the impact of the ring coming from the ringitself rather than the diamonds.
And if she has a magnificent engagement ring then there is noneed for anything but a simple understated band for a weddingring.
But a man needs to approach his wedding ring quite differently,hence the popularity of diamond mens rings. Mens diamond weddingrings are larger and more noticeable than womens rings. And asthere is no engagement ring, the diamonds go on his wedding ring.