Avoiding Engagement Ring Blunders By Brian It was a blistering hot Southern California night. Sam and Carly were leaving the local hot spot after an evening of drinking and dancing with their closest friends. From a mile away, anyone could see that they were in love. They kissed and joked with each other as they made their way hand-in-hand to his brand new Harley Davidson Night Train.
Sam was twitchy, because the engagement ring he just bought for Carly was burning a hole in his pocket. He could not wait one more second to find out if she would become Mrs. Jones. Dropping to one knee like he had seen in so many movies, Sam slowly withdrew the one-carat diamond engagement ring he had found in Palm Desert only one week before.
For Carly, this was a dream come true. She was instantly sober and absolutely giddy when he slipped that engagement ring on her finger. The next morning, though, her heart crashed to her feet upon realizing that Sam had absolutely no memory of that moment that had meant so much to her. Over and over she asked herself "how could anyone forget something as important as a proposal?"
Typical Proposal Mistakes and How to Avoid Them:
Carly and Sam's story, while true, is not typical. Most men do not forget they have proposed marriage, particularly when they have presented her with an engagement ring. However, there are some things that do commonly happen that may shatter that oh-so-romantic moment. These include:
Proposing too soon: Okay, so she takes your breath away when she enters the room, but you still want to give it a bit of time to make sure she is
the one you want to spend every day with.
Pushing for an answer: You gave her the ring and your best-rehearsed "will you marry me" and she neither screamed "YES" immediately nor seemed to show the excitement you expected. This doesn't necessarily mean that she needs prodding. In this case, it is best to give her the time she needs to think.
It's all about her: When you plan to present her with that engagement ring
it took you months to find, remember that moment is all about her-not you. Make sure the event is something she will remember for a lifetime.
Keep it simple: The more complicated you make the presentation of that engagement ring, the greater the chances of something unexpected happening. For example, a man I worked with once buried his ring in a candy dish filled with jelly beans. It took weeks for her to find it, because she was so upset that candy was all she had received for Valentines Day after seven years.
Bend like a reed in the wind: When you try to push a day or a time, the engagement process can become rigid and inflexible-not the dream of lifetime moment you are hoping for. It may take a while, but be patient and wait for that perfect moment to ask. The end result will be a cherished memory for you both.
If you follow these simple guidelines and avoid situations like Sam's, she will remember the night you presented her with that carefully chosen engagement ring for a lifetime.