Wedding Rings By Elsie Gilbert, Sat Dec 10th
Wedding rings don't tend to get the public airing that theydeserve, in your average wedding celebration. However, weddingrings are likely to be worn for the rest of the bride andgrooms' living days, so they are, arguably, the most importantelement of the wedding accessories. Wedding Rings - The Basics Wedding rings are exchanged as part of the ceremony, normallyas vows are said by both parties. The guests do not normally seethe wedding rings until after the ceremony is well and trulyover, so it can be tempting to skimp on this element and savemoney. Bear in mind that the bride will almost certainly wearher wedding ring alongside her engagement ring. It is essential,therefore, that they both rings work together well. This isparticularly important if the engagement ring is of an atypicalshape or with a particularly large stone. Always consider youreveryday jewelry. Although it is possible to accessorize on yourwedding day to complement you choice of wedding rings, this ringwill be worn every day, for many years, so it must fit in wellwith your general style. This is equally important for thegroom, as he too will have to wear the ring for some time, so heshould also consider what would go well with his usual attire. Contrary to popular belief, it is not essential to choose goldenrings. If you prefer silver colored rings but want to retain thequality, why not consider white gold? It is also possible forthe bride and groom to have different styles
of ring, so do notfeel pressured into selecting matching styled rings. WeddingRings - Ideas for Slashing the Budget Whilst you want the bestwedding rings possible, you do not need to spend a smallfortune! Often, wedding rings are passed through thegenerations, particularly on the male side, so find out whetherthis is the case so that you can avoid the time and energy ofsearching for the perfect wedding rings! When you areselecting an engagement ring, it may be possible to negotiate adiscount on wedding rings, if they are purchased at the sametime. Another possible option is to consider using cheaperwedding rings for the ceremony itself and to purchase the morepermanent wedding rings, at a later day. The real point of thisis to spread the major expenses - weddings do not come cheaply! A great way to make cheaper wedding rings look unique is tohave them engraved with your wedding date and your initials. With a little imagination, wedding rings can truly look magical,without costing the earth!
the author:Elsie Gilbert offers great insights to all different types
ofwedding ceremonies, wedding styles, wedding accessories. Fromtraditional
to the exotic she makes it easy for the bride andgroom to review
and choose.