The Bigger The Carat The Better The Wedding?
By Donna Monday, Sat Dec 10th
Ahh . . . sweet romance.
The flowers. The chocolate. The late night whispers of “I loveyou.”
For most people in love, the culmination of months oftogetherness and special friendship comes down to one singlemoment: The marriage proposal - - featuring a simple, butelegant, diamond engagement ring.
Of course, if you’re a celebrity, a simple ring may not haveenough wattage to suit your tastes. Thus, we see manycelebrities sporting five-carat to seven-carat diamond studdedengagement and wedding rings.
Well, if you can afford it, why not flaunt it, right?
Take for instance the recent marriages of Britney Spears andStar Jones. When Britney Spears got engaged to her former backup dancer, Kevin Federline, she promptly bought herself anawesome-looking five-carat diamond engagement ring. (Does anyonereally believe that Kevin bought this for her on his dancer’ssalary?)
Britney bought herself the ring she felt she deserved – nothingwrong with that. Then,