Zales Diamond Engagement Rings - A Patented Cut By Peter Crump, Fri Dec 9th
Zales diamond engagement rings are graced with the unique andpatented cut of the Zales diamond, making this ring a wonderfulchoice of ring to celebrate your engagement. Apart from theunique diamond cut that makes each ring stand above the crowd,Zales only select diamonds that satisfy the other three Cs of abeautiful diamond in a superior way, ensuring that Zalesengagement rings will express your love beautifully. Diamond solitaire rings are the best way to display a highquality diamond that boasts high standards in the fourcategories that are used to determine the worth of your gem –carat, color, clarity and cut. The first three criteria are theresult of nature, but the last one, the cut of a diamond, is theresult of the knowledge and expertise of a qualified diamondcutter. Artisans have, for centuries, worked on creating cuts that willallow a solitaire diamond bask in its true beauty, and for manyyears a cut known as the ‘ideal cut’ was the diamond cutter’sstandard. But for their diamond engagement rings, Zales havecreated a unique cut that they believe reveals the truebrilliance of the diamond.
The Zales diamond is an eight-sided stone cut with eighty-twofacets, which is many more than the diamonds of many othermanufacturers – the ‘ideal’ cut, for example, had onlyfifty-eight facets. The many facets of the Zales cut allow lightto shine through the diamond at many angles, creating a shinethat is truly brilliant. Zales diamonds are available in many settings, but it is theirdiamond solitaire rings that allow the radiance of theirgemstones to shine without detraction. Available in a variety ofcarats and colors, the unique Zales cut adds an extra luster toyour diamond, creating a ring that will shine as brightly as thelove it represents. Zales diamond engagement rings are stunningrings.
About the author:For a website totally devoted to diamond rings visit Peter'sWebsite
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