A Unique Diamond Engagement Ring - In Platinum By Peter Crump, Fri Dec 9th
Diamond engagement rings for many years typically came in thetraditional form of a gold band with a solitaire diamondsetting, but as wedding etiquette has evolved over the years toinclude the more idiosyncratic tastes of individual couples, soare there now many shapes and makes of diamond engagement ringavailable. An engagement ring
is hopefully something that abride will wear forever, and as such, it should encapsulate herpersonality, so that regardless of the shifting of fashions, itwill remain something that she loves and treasures. An increasing popular choice for engagement and wedding rings isplatinum. One of the rarest of the precious metals, it is strongand sturdy, with a subtle style that is the perfectaccompaniment to any precious stone. It is the uniquecombination of simplicity and luster that have made the choiceof a diamond engagement ring
in platinum increasingly popular,as its wonderful sheen sets off the cut and brilliance of adiamond beautifully. The popularity of diamond engagement rings in platinum is alsodue to that material’s eminent practicality. Platinum isextremely hardwearing and resistant to the scratches and otherdamage that gold rings are often prone to. Platinum doesn’ttarnish,
and for those with sensitive skin, it is alsohypoallergenic, making it comfortable to wear. The sturdiness and durability of platinum make it a popularchoice for men’s rings, but its simple understated beauty lendsitself to diamond engagement rings also. Platinum is the perfectchoice for those who prefer the look of white gold to yellow,and its durable nature makes it the perfect compliment to theenduring beauty of a diamond. A diamond engagement ring in platinum combines beauty anddurability in a unique package. The rarity of platinumcompliments perfectly the uniqueness of each diamond, ensuringthat a platinum diamond engagement ring will be a unique symbolas peerless as your love.