Finding Great Affordable Engagement Rings
By Christopher Bowne, Fri Dec 9th
If you want to find affordable engagement rings that don't looklike you compromised on quality they can be found in a varietyof places. You just need to know where to look and what to lookfor. You can put together an engagement ring that will dazzleher and appraise for much more than you paid for it. Ways toSave Money on an engagement ring There are many ways to savemoney on an engagement ring and yet still have it be every bitas special - maybe even more so. One of the simplest and mostaffordable ways is to pass along a family heirloom.
An engagement ring that once belonged to your great grandmotherfor instance will help to carry on the tradition of long andhappy marriages. If your great grandmother's ring is too small,you can have it resized to fit the new bride.
Taking a family heirloom and making it your own is also a way tocreate affordable engagement rings with your own unique touches.The diamond may have been small if it was pre-war era, so youcan replace it with a larger carat ring. Antique jewelry isoften a custom in both Jewish and Christian traditions. To use avintage style ring today is more than modern; it is a real trendsetter.
Another way to save money on an engagement ring
and still havethe high quality ring is to choose silver over gold for thesetting. Ounce for ounce, sterling silver is much less expensivethan gold. Many women also prefer silver jewelry to gold, sochoosing ring of silver will match her other jewelry.
One more thing you can do to save money on an engagement ring