The Many Styles Of Celtic Engagement Rings
By Clinton Maxwell, Fri Dec 9th
Irish traditions are rich and full of both whimsy and sentiment.This is especially true when it comes to weddings and marriage.The Irish symbolize beautifully the real meaning of marriagewith their wedding rings. Celtic engagement rings and weddingbands have a style all their own, but still lend themselves toadding your own personal touches. An antique gold ring with thetelltale woven pattern is the perfect symbol of the blending oftwo lives. Designing Your Celtic Engagement Rings
Once you've decided you love the tradition of the Irish weddingring, you can design your own engagement ring and wedding bandsto incorporate those styles.
First you begin with the precious metal that will hold thepattern and any gemstones. Rings can be fashioned out of gold,silver, or platinum. Jewelers will tell you what material bestsuits the stones you may be setting within the ring. Platinumfor example is the perfect material for setting a high qualitydiamond since it will not discolour or yellow the stone as goldmay.
Next the metal is moulded into the traditional woven Celticpattern. Even an antique Celtic ring can be remade to suit thenew couple's preferences. It can be carefully resized as to notlose the pattern and it can have personal gemstones added to it.
Rings can be made in many different widths too. For example, ifyou have a one carat diamond, you will probably want a widerband than a ½ carat diamond would hold. That