Mens Moissanite Wedding Rings, Or Is Moissanite A Mans Best
By Peter Crump, Wed Apr 5th
As mens wedding rings become more and more popular mensmoissanite wedding rings become popular at an even faster rate.Wedding rings for men are here to stay and so are mensmoissanite wedding rings.
What is moissanite I hear you ask? Moissanite is the newestjewelry stone which is taking the jewelry industry by storm. Andwhilst moissanite is popular amongst the women, mens moissanitewedding rings are taking off.
Moissanite is a naturally occurring crystal, or jewel, which wasonly discovered in 1893. It was originally found in tinyquantities in a meteorite which had fallen in the Arizonadesert. It was discovered by doctor Henry Moissan, after whom itwas named.
It exhibits many of the qualities of diamonds and looksidentical to diamonds to all but a few of the most experiencedjewellers. So identical in fact that sohisticated equipment isneeded to distinguish it from diamonds. Moissanite evenoutperforms diamonds in most of the natural qualities for whichdiamonds are so renowned. Most importantly, it is much cheaper.
Moissanite is second only to diamond in hardness, and is harderthan any other jewel. It does not scratch, fade or change color.It has more brilliance than diamonds or any other populargemstone.
It occurs naturally on earth but only in tiny quantities so itwas not until the late 20th century that it became available insufficient quantities for jewelry making. This followedextensive research on moissanite and the discovery of a reliablemethod of making it in a lab to very high quality.
Whilst a new jewel in its own right it was immediately comparedto diamonds due to it’s high quality and much lower price. Nowmoissanite engagement rings are a hit amongst women, and mensmoissanite wedding rings are following fast.
As a man does not generally wear an engagement ring his weddingring may be the only piece of jewelry that he wears so mensmoissanite wedding rings are designed to catch