The Zion National Park has over 2.5 million visitors every year. You can access the park from I-15 via route 9 on the west or from route 89 on the east side. The entry fee is $25 per vehicle and well worth the trip. The park provides free shuttle services within the park system and you can also park in the town of Springdale and take a free shuttle to the visitor center as well.
The pictures below are from various points within the park. There are hiking trails suitable for wheel chair access as well as trails that only the serious hiker should attempt. Following route 9, there are many points you can pull off to take pictures. Route 9 has quite a few switch backs as well as two unlit tunnels for approximately a mile in length. Drivers need to pay attention since there are no guard rails along the road and the drop offs are quite something.
There was a major storm the day before we visited the park. As you can see below the Virgin river is very muddy and was also quite high during the storm.
Some people will wade across the river to continue hiking through what they call the narrows. Hikers have been killed when flash floods have roared through this particular stretch.
The Colorado river runs out of Colorado somewhere, through Utah and into Nevada and Arizona. Various streams like the one below feed into it. Although it is hard to see my wife in this picture on the left, it shows the height of the surrounding cliffs. There is also a lot of horse back riding in the area.
Although they are hard to see, there are 3 mule deer in the picture below. The park has many squirrels, deer, and even mountain cats.
Next we are heading to Las Vegas!