Marriage Proposal Ideas For The Holidays By Jill Renee, Sat Dec 10th
One of the benefits of proposing marriage at this time of yearis that family activities are inevitable. Proposing a day beforea family gathering means you can share the exciting news withthem in person the next day. Or you can take her parents asideto ask their permission in person and propose to her later.
Here are some ideas for how to integrate your marriage proposalinto a holiday moment.
Christmas Proposal Ideas: oDecorate the tree with lights andonly one ornament - a ribbon or bow tied around a ring box. oWrite out your proposal in Christmas lights on your house. oWrite "Will you marry me?" with a Sharpie on the inside bottomof a box, fill it with balled-up tissue paper and then wrap isas a gift. She will dig through the tissue paper looking for thegift only to reveal your message. oMake an advent calendarwhere each door she opens reveals a sentimental memory or reasonyou love her. oOn Christmas Eve, arrive at her house and whenshe answers the door, present the diamond engagement ring.
Chanukah Proposal Ideas: oGive her 8 nights of romantic giftswith an engagement ring as the last night's gift. oIf she's achocolate lover, give her a box of Kosher Godiva Truffles. oIfyou feel like getting creative, you could dip real roses inchocolate and present her with your designed
bouquet. oWriteout your proposal with rose petals in the snow. oPurchase a"talking" or voice recording picture frame from RadioShack.Insert a picture of you and your sweetie and record yourproposal for her to play back.
New Year's Eve Proposal Ideas: oIf you're at a party, work yourproposal into the crowd's big countdown to the New Year. oAtthe stroke of midnight, tell her how much you love her andsimply whisper, "Will you marry me?" Then you can celebrate therest of the night by sharing the news with all of your friends.oIf parties and crowds aren't your thing, you can plan theultimate at-home proposal for midnight. Perhaps start theevening with a home-cooked meal by candlelight. Plan to watch aromantic movie, or even the New Year's Eve countdown ontelevision. When the ball drops in Times Square, hug her andpropose. oEven better...leave the television off, and ask herto slow dance to a favorite song. At the stroke of midnight orwhen the moment is right, look in her eyes, and ask.
Select the proposal method that will have you the most relaxedbefore
you ask. And don't worry - no matter what way you chooseto propose,
it will be a special moment.
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