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Evaluating Antique Engagement Rings
By Charles Mohaney, Fri Dec 9th

Antique engagement rings or a vintage engagement ring is a verypopular choice for many people. While some people go with thetraditional solitaire, more and more people are looking for newor unique styles. While vintage is not really new, it is uniqueand it is a popular style now for so many people. More and morewomen enjoy this style and people are going back to the vintagestyles that often contain moe color, more stones and more. Sojust where can you get your vintage engagement ring?

There are many different places that you can buy vintagejewelry. But you can't just go to your local jewelry store andpick out something new. However, there are antique and vintagestyles that are created to look like real vintage jewelry andyou can find stores that sell these. There are also other placesyou can look such as yard sales, estate sales and anywhere elsethat has older or used jewelry. You will be amazed at some ofthe great things you can find. Choosing from Antique EngagementRings There are many different types and styles of vintageengagement rings out there. You may have trouble deciding


orchoosing what is best for you and your fiancé. If you do notalready have a general idea of what you are looking for than itwill take some research. You might want to talk to someone whois an expert on the subject to learn more about it and find theright ring.

You need to know what size you are looking for to help you getthe right ring. Many vintage style rings can be sized but besure you find out first. Some can not be sized without damagingthe design. If the person you are buying for has a specificstyle that they like, you can also look for this. You might lookaccording to a certain year or design or by color and stonetype. These are all ways of helping you choose the right vintageengagement ring.


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