It's Time For An Anniversary Ring! By HM Development Team, Mon Dec 26th
You met your wife in college, a busy time of studying,socializing and waking up to the reality of paying for thethings your parents once paid for. On the dating end, you wantedto finalize your commitment to your future wife with a marriageproposal. The only problem is, you didn't have much financialfunds then to pay for an engagement ring. So, you and your new fiancée settled on the idea that you wouldpurchase a simple ring, nothing too fancy, or debt threatening,with the intent to buy her a better ring when you werefinancially able. Ten years and a few kids later, you have finally reached thatpoint. Upon your milestone anniversary, you have decided on afitting gift that will fulfill your 10-year old promise. Thisyear you will finally give her an anniversary ring. But
this is not just any ordinary ring. With an anniversary ring, you are complimenting the existing weddingband that your wife has worn for many years. It symbolizescommitment to your spouse, a partnership that has endured manytrials, and a promising future of many years to come. Thoseaspects in marriage will make this anniversary ring a symbolicreflection of your unyielding commitment to each other.Accommodated with the new anniversary band, your wedding ringwill now radiate with that
extra sparkle. What type of ring? A typical "wedding ring" is that of an engagement ring, joinedwith a wedding band to complete the "wedding ring" set. Somewomen prefer that an engagement ring
would settle in as the"wedding ring," upon a bride's wedding day. This could be as aresult of simplicity's sake for appearance or just to reducecosts. Other women like to keep with the tradition and bepresented with an additional wedding band to accommodate herengagement ring on her wedding day. With
an anniversary ring, you can accommodate both situations.Should a wife have an
engagement ring only as her wedding ring,you can finally give her that anniversary ring to join herwedding ring. If she already has both bands, then she could wearher anniversary ring on another hand. As the famous saying goes,"the more the merrier." Prices in anniversary rings vary between the low hundreds to thethousands, depending on design and the style. Hopefully you cangive your spouse whatever they desire! Most importantly, theprice of an anniversary should be insignificant. It is thethought and consideration of this milestone gift that will makeit most special of all.
About the author:What better way to celebrate your anniversary than with ananniversary