Neighborhood Watch ProgramsMany neighborhoods have started "Neighborhood Watch Programs" and this is an excellent initiative that all neighborhoods should initiate. It is an excellent way for neighbors to band together and keep a watch full eye on every ones property and safety. You can download an article that we found on a web site which tells you more about neighborhood watch programs, however this page focuses on how you should integrate Home Sitting with your local neighborhood watch program. Neighborhood watch programs are an excellent way to keep an eye on your home and watch for anything that is out of the ordinary. Whether it is an open garage, a car parked were it should not be or even a broken window. They can be your eyes and ears when you are away from home and it is neighbors helping neighbors! There are several reasons why you would want to combine the advantage of your local neighborhood watch program with a home sitting service.
Please feel free to email us with additional items at Email: We will be pleased to add your items to our list. Click here for a checklist of items associated with Neighborhood Watch.See below for a full list of articles and checklists concerning neighborhood watch programs.
Neighborhood Watch Programs General Info Checklist Getting Started Coordinator-Block Captain Block Members |