Wealth In Real Estate Foreclosures By kigo kare, Thu Dec 8th
There exists a simple little formula that builds massive wealththrough real estate foreclosures. If you're interested in firingyour boss, working when you want to, and staking your claim inthe billion dollar real estate industry, then read on. On theInternet, it's tough to know who to believe. There are so manypeople making ridiculous claims, it's insane. It's like dayafter day, you get hit with hype pitch after hype pitch. In amoment, I'll tell you specifically what I can do for you. Butfirst, here is why you should believe me to begin with: Here are4 good reasons to believe what I say: One: I'm NOT going topromise you can make $250,000 a year or a month or $2,000 a day.That's total hype. I don't know you, your skills nor yourbackground. How could I guarantee such a thing? Two: During mycareer I've bought or sold over $12,000,000 (12 million) in realestate property. I'm recognized as one of the leading experts inmy niche market of condominium conversions and I'm consulted byleading real estate developers or investors almost daily. I'veaccomplished all this by the age
of 27.
I've been a licensedreal estate agent and investor for 7 years. I began
my career bymanaging $8 million in real estate at the age of 20. From
thereI was trained and mentored by an individual who has bought andsold
over 16,000 homes during his career. Three: I have helpedindividuals
with absolutely zero real estate experience maketens of thousands of
dollars...some in the matter of hours. Oneindividual that I advise
has generated revenues of up to $30million in one year.How many of
these dudes selling "How to makemoney in real estate" have even one
client in the real world?Not to mention a multi, multimillionaire.
Four: I don't hidebehind my web site or any fake email addresses. My
direct phonenumber is 586-477-4788. It's been the same number for about
7years and I don't plan on it changing.