Investing In Foreclosures Can Be A Profitable Business (ContentDesk) July 2, 2005 -- During the last two years, many people took advantage of hybrid and interest only mortgages in order to find affordability within the escalating property market. Some wanted to buy up, others simply wanted to jump on the investment bandwagon. Jobs have improved for some, but not for others, and this has resulted in increased foreclosures. Many families have been left with one income and they have supplemented with credit cards. Couple this with the luxuries that Americans feel they must have, and you have the recipe for foreclosure.Anyone facing the prospect of foreclosure must resign to the situation, and attempt to conduct as much damage control as they can. If they are able to find a buyer for their property before the foreclosure occurs, they may not be happy about it, but they will be able to mitigate their circumstances as best that they can. If you are poised to enter the foreclosure investment market, you must consider a few things. Buying foreclosures is not for just anyone, you must have good credit, operating capital and patience. Going to foreclosure auctions is not how it's done. The only way to consistently turn a good profit on foreclosures is getting in prior to the home being put on the block. It can take up to ten months for the foreclosure of a home to finalize, and this is the period that investors target.Due to the levels of stress and the prideful feelings that people have during these times, it is a matter of diplomacy to get someone to understand that as an investor, you are their ally. Investors must be able to get sellers to realize they must sell their equity or arrange for someone to take over the loan at an affordable cost. Finding people who are faced with foreclosure can be accomplished
by simply going to the county clerk's office and examining public records or surfing the Internet. Once the foreclosures have been targeted, investors must know how to best approach the owners. It takes time, study and practice, to hone these skills to the point where this becomes second nature. Knowing the pitfalls and which properties to avoid are also key aspects of pre-foreclosure investment.As an investor, one must be able to uncover all the information that will be needed to make a proper assessment: have the homeowners taken too much equity out of the property, how much is owed, what will the payments run and how much interest has accrued. A title search should be performed, and also an investigation into whether any liens exist. The problems may not be straight forward at first glance.When investing in pre-foreclosures, one must also posses a good rapport with lenders. To secure these properties for their portfolios, investors must have good credit, operating capital and borrowing abilities. They must know how to assess defects in a home because in order to get a good price for it, it must be marketable.
And, they must know how to sell. To end up sitting on a property for too long
can be detrimental.Whatever the strategy that is employed, it will take time,
an investment of capital and the wherewithal to stick it out. Rome wasn't built
in a day and foreclosures aren't flipped over night. But, if you are serious, do your homework
and continue to perceiver, you will find the right properties, sellers and situations
that will make you money in the process.