you have raccoons in your attic like us, we urge
you to stop and consider for a moment some of the
safety issues raccoons associated with these cute
but dangerous little animals. First of all we had
a family of raccoons move in to our attic in January,
just in time to have their babies. We immediately
thought that we have to get them out before they
make a mess and also destroy our attic. Well guess
what, the local animal companies suggested that we
wait due to a number of safety issues about raccoons
that we were not aware of.
For example, if we removed the adults but not the babies, the parents would just come back and if we blocked the entrance that they had made, they would tear
our roof apart trying to find a way to get back in, so the best thing is to wait until the young ones are old enough to leave the den in our attic. Next they could also be carrying rabies and you definitely do not want to be dealing with this disease, so add this to your list of safety issues raccoons associated with raccoons.
Once they are gone, you still have other safety issues raccoons to be careful of. Apparently they can also carry a disease that is left in their feces, which of course is in your attic. The feces become dry and will become airborne if you disturb them. breathing this material can cause damage to your organs and also death so be very careful.
we heard about all of these safety issues related
to raccoons, we decided to hire professionals to
get them out and keep them out. An additional safety
issues raccoons is that can you imagine catching
one of the raccoons in
a trap and carrying one of
these snarling animals out of your attic while it
is trying to claw you or bite you. better off to
take heed of these safety issues regarding raccoons
and hire a professional.