Raccoons are very intelligent animals who can survive in the wild as well as in urban areas. In fact many cities and towns are finding that raccoons have easily adapted to living in cities and towns so much so that they have a raccoon problem. As the raccoon picture to the left shows, raccoons can climb virtually any wall. This particular raccoon picture shows a raccoon clinging to a wall four stories up the side of an apartment building. They can climb trees, vines, down spouts and virtually any surface they can gain a purchase with using their very nimble and dexterous paws.
There are from 15 to 20 raccoon families per square mile in many urban areas and sometimes the population will go as high as 100 per square mile. They feed on garbage that abounds in our cities, they find refuge in attics and various nooks and crannies and will have as many as 4 or 5 dens in a given area. They can also do a lot of damage as you can see on some of the other pages on this web site.
Before you block the entrance to the den, make sure the raccoons are out of the den to avoid more damage
to your roof or attic as some of the pictures will show. They will do almost anything to find away back into the den to return to their young.
The best way to get
rid of raccoons is to use use strong heavy gauge wire mesh and cover all possible entrances, screw nailing all of the wire mesh down. Take care to properly seal any holes you need to put into your roof to avoid water leakage. Even if there are areas were they have not entered, cover these with wire mesh as well. Next you will have to deal with any damage they have caused inside and arrange for these repairs caused by the raccoons to be completed.
Be very careful with the repair
for raccoon damage and entering attic space. Breathing the feces can cause organ damage and death. In the dry air of your attic, these feces break down, become dust like and when disturbed will float in the air for you to breath. Hire professionals to clean up the attic if they have been there for some time. You may have to replace the insulation and the air vents over the soffits if there is a lot of damage. For more information on repair for raccoons and other associated topics visit our site map.
Repair For Raccoon | Safety Issues Raccoons |Raccoon Deterrents
Raccoon Damage|Raccoon Baffle |Raccoon Trap |Raccoon Poop|Raccoon Droppings