Diamond Car InsuranceDiamond car insurance focuses on providing competitive car insurance for women drivers. Women drivers tend to have less serious accidents than men do and as a result the car insurance premiums are less as a result of less expensive accidents. Women drivers can obtain an online quote from Diamond Car Insurance and coverage can begin immediately. They accept payment from all of the major credit cards as well as direct debit. Car insurance with Diamond insurance comes with a number of benefits. Twenty four hour accident help line, monthly instalments, guaranteed replacement car, unlimited windscreen cover, 24 hour glass repair help line and legal expense cover. Their web site also provides a FAQ (frequently asked questions) area as well as a glossary to help you figure out all of the insurance terms.
Diamond car insurance customers can fill in an application for car insurance online and receive a quote for car insurance online or by email. Customers need to be UK residents, between 17 and 79 years of age and your car must be privately owned. Once you receive a quote, you can save your car insurance quote so that you can come back to it later to finalize your car insurance coverage and make arrangements for payment. If you decide to make changes to your insurance, your quotation premiums may change. Diamond car insurance has a unique product called the Bonus accelerator. Customers who are obtaining their insurance for the first time or who have lost their no claims status, can participate in the bonus accelerator program. Your premiums will be given discounts based on your no claims status. Your savings can build up quickly especially if your no claims status continues over several years. Diamond Car Insurance is part of Admiral Insurance Services Limited, a direct car insurance provider. Diamond car insurance eliminates the middleman to provide you with a cheap competitive quote for car insurance in the UK. Address: Diamond Insurance Contact Number: 0800 36 24 36 Monday to Friday 8am to 8pmSaturday & Sunday 10am to 4pm