Robert Symons-steel Pan Drums From Bermuda By Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck, Sat Dec 10th
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bermuda-01/24/05- The story of Robert Symons is interesting andmoving. In what was to become a lifetime pattern of diligenceand dedication, he set out to teach himself the instruments ofhis profession at a very early age. The renowned Steel PanSoloist and recording artist from the Island of Bermudacurrently has two CDs available titled Tropicana Steel PanBermuda Vol. 1 & 2. On the two volumes of contemporary easylistening compositions, he works his way through the history ofpop music with panache, style and gracefulness. He arranged andsequenced all the music with a Yamaha QY20 then performed andproduced it. The recordings feature Symons’ eclectic style andapproach with modern music hits, utilizing all the tools knownwithin the genre. Volume 1 is a full of mellow interludes while Volume 2 featuresmore upbeat and transitional adaptations of popular tunes youhave learned to love over the years. “Unforgettable,” “Crazy,”“This Magic Moment,” you know them all. That memorable once in alifetime cruise you took, someone’s special wedding reception,or memories of walking
on a white sandy beach in the Bermuda sunwill come to mind while listening to the instrumental versionsof each track. This music is a one-way ticket to your ownpersonal paradise.
Keywords: Robert Symons, Steel Pan Drums, Steel Pan Soloist, PopMusic, Bermuda
About the author:Keith Hannaleck, known as “MuzikMan” is a Journalistspecializing
in independent and major music reviews and thepromotion of artists
via the various media outlets flourishingonline. He has worked closely
with artists, management,publicity directors, and webmasters to provide
some of the bestand far-reaching coverage an artist could have.