turbines more efficientand modern production techniques bring the cost of turbines down.When used as a supplement for residential electricity, windturbines are connected to the breaker box provided by the powercompany. The power produced is available for immediateconsumption, and if the wind turbine produces more electricitythan is needed the excess is fed back into the utility grid fora credit on the homeowners power bill.
For those interested in living "off the grid" wind power can beused in conjunction with other alternative energy sources suchas solar power. These two methods of producing electricitycomplement each other, when the sun is strong, the wind may below, and the wind may be stronger on cloudy days.
Also, since solar power is not produced at night, a wind turbinecan provide the electricity at this time.
Our site provides more in depth information wind energy and theother sustainable energy sources, howto's and downloadablebuilding plans.
About the author:Hans is author of alternative-energy-guide find moreinformation at the our windpower section