Tips for Household InventoryThe steps on the previous pages can go a long way to protecting your home but no matter how secure your residence is, if a professional burglar has targeted your home and is determined to break in, the unthinkable may still happen. To aid law enforcement agencies and greatly assist in insurance claims you should maintain a detailed household inventory of all your valuables. Most people are unaware that they must complete a list of all items stolen along with year purchased and purchase value. Most of us cannot even remember everything we had, let alone the above details. We offer a number of approaches to assist you in making sure that you can claim everything you need to after someone has broke into your home and compromised your homes security. Whether it is a short vacation for even a few days or if you are going to be away all winter long, always make sure that a reliable person or company is looking after your homes security. Your insurance could be invalidated if you do not have someone routinely checking on your home! Please feel free to email us with additional items at Email: We will be pleased to add your items to our list.
It makes sense to "mark" important items with some permanent identifying mark. There are a variety of simple tools you can rent that will engrave serial numbers, a driver's license number or some other unique marking into your valuables. Remember most burglars "fence" stolen items in order to get cash, usually for illegal drugs. You'll greatly reduce the chances of someone walking off with your TV, VCR or other valuables if it has a conspicuous ID number that can't be removed, simply because it will greatly reduce its street value and make it too much work to get rid of, and of course it is a lot easier to trace and return the property to the rightful owner. Today, many people have a video camera. Sweep each room and record the contents from several different perspectives. Next, take close-ups of really important items. To tie-in, have a family member pose with the valuables. In a clear voice identify each item, the date of purchase, price paid and model and serial numbers. Remember to update the tape every time you purchase something new. If you don't have a video camera, a regular camera also works well. Make a companion audio tape to go along with it. It very important that the tapes or pictures be kept off the property or they may be stolen or damaged. Keep them in a safety deposit box. Now set aside a hour or so and complete the security check list on the following page. Correct weak points as soon as possible and your home and belongings will be more secure. Checklist for Unoccupied Homes