Property Management Services - Home Security

Visits to your home on your schedule - Your insurance, your plants, your pet, the weather.. these are only a few of the factors which will guide you in deciding how often we will come to your home. Our usual schedule is a visit every two days, but we will gladly check the security of your home more or less often depending on your needs.

Please feel free to email us at Email: or to call us at 613-298-6297. We will be pleased to discuss your needs.

All our visits are logged in writing - you receive a copy We provide a written record logging the date, time, a checklist, and comments for every visit we make to your home. If you ever have an insurance claim, this could be valuable evidence. We also send a report via Email If you are out of town and would like to see a report by email, we will gladly send it to you free of charge. Many customers tell us that this gives them real peace of mind.

Check Alarm System - One of our most important duties is to determine if there have been any incidents registered by your alarm system. Power, alarm trigger points etc. We will also be in touch with your alarm company if required. You can also have your home security alarm company call us if the alarm is triggered. We will meet the police at your house.

Inspect doors and windows - We inspect every room, inside and out, looking for signs of tampering or damage on every home security visit.

Check thermostat - Another important duty is to monitor the temperature of your home. Furnace failures can have disastrous effects if the temperature drops too low. Plants, plumbing ... the list goes on and on!

Inspect plumbing - In our initial visit with you we locate the water shut-off, the water tank locations, and the points we will inspect regularly in your absence. Damage from water can be significant so we recommend that you shut the water off at the main valve before you leave.

Check refrigerator and freezer
- Imagine the expense (not to mention the smell) if something happens to the fridge or freezer. Inspecting these appliances is part of our every home security visit.

Check side and back yard - Has there been someone prowling around your back yard and checking things out to plan a "visit" this evening? We look for evidence that someone has been on your property, as well as damage by animals or weather.

Click here for Ottawa Home Sitters

Gather mail and flyers
- All newspapers, flyers and other miscellaneous advertising will be collected and brought inside. It can also be disposed of as per your instructions. In addition we will bulk mail your mail to your location if needed.

Take out the Garbage - Garbage will be taken to the curb on schedule the first week your away. We know you do not want smelly garbage sitting in your garage or beside the house for the duration of your absence

Pet Care - Pet care is also one of our services. Avoid the stress of sending your pet to the kennel. We will look after your cats and small birds.

Call us while you're away to update your instructions or for peace of mind. If something comes up while you're away, or you suddenly remember information you want us to know ... or maybe you just want reassurance that everything's okay back home, you have a special number to call. We'll fill you in on what's happening, or record your additional instructions.

All incidents will be reported to you Incidents that we feel should be brought to your attention, will be done so immediately. We will contact you at numbers you specify.

Please feel free to email us at Email: We will be pleased to discuss your needs.


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